Free 5 Day Training

The Exact Training That Taught Me How To Market Any Product, Business Opportunity Or Software Online Without Looking Like 95% Of The Amateur’s Today…




In this business you must show up as much as possible. The more consistent you are the more people will get to know who you are


Build an audience of people who’s going to like you for what you bring to the table. Nobody cares about your products or services


You build trust with the audience that you’re building by becoming someone of value to them. Once that happens then it’s magic from now on

Who Am I

I’m A 20+ OTR Truck Driver

Marketing Online is my passion and it all started back in 2008 when I was looking for a way to market my Network Marketing Business. I was struggling and tired of chasing friends and family through warm market.

I was in over 10 MLM companies and failed in all of them because I didn’t want to build my business the old school way. So I left MLM entirely and started Affiliate Marketing.


Years Online Marketing

Failing in over 10+ years online trying to figure out how to make money from my Laptop .

YouTube Subscribers

And growing by providing value and helping others. The more you help others the more you’ll prosper.

My Story

I joined my very 1st MLM in 1997 and I was so excited to join because I never joined a business before to where I was my own boss. They told me to make a list of 100 friends and family that I knew and contact them and then get my upline on the phone so they could talk to them. So I did it not knowing any better and the outcome was that I ruffled a lot of unfriendly feathers when I did that to my warm market.

So I kept joining new business opportunities after opportunities only to find out that everyone wanted me to build the business the same exact way(WARM MARKET). So I said to myself it’s gotta be a better way. That’s when I came online in 2008 to find out how to build my business using the POWER of the Internet. Check out the About Me section to see the rest of my Internet story from 2008 on to the present day… 

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